Mixers, Agitators & Clarifiers

Agitator - Propeller Type

Agitators are machines used in industries for
a) mixing liquids together
b) promoting the reactions
c) maintaining homogeneity of liquid bulk and
d) increasing heat transfer.

The agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions.

Paramount Limited manufactures & supplies all three types of Agitators (Propeller type, Turbine type and Paddle type) for thorough mixing.

Paramount Limited make agitator is suitable for thorough mixing. The agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions. The impeller is mounted on an overhung shaft. The shaft is fabricated out of the solid shaft and is driven by an electric motor, through a speed reducing gearbox. The gear can withstand high torque loads and even in extreme cases, there is no chance of gear breaking.

The drive is mounted on a mild steel fabricated base frame. The electric motor is coupled with gearbox by flexible cast iron (love-joy) coupling. The agitator is also coupled with gearbox through a cast iron rigid coupling.

The impeller creates a flow pattern in the system, causing the liquid to circulate through the tank and return eventually to the impeller.

Agitator - Turbine Type

Agitators are machines used in industries for
a) mixing liquids together
b) promoting the reactions
c) maintaining homogeneity of liquid bulk and
d) increasing heat transfer.

The agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions.

Paramount Limited manufactures & supplies all three types of Agitators (Propeller type, Turbine type and Paddle type) for thorough mixing.

Paramount Limited make agitator is suitable for thorough mixing. The agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions. The impeller is mounted on an overhung shaft. The shaft is fabricated out of the solid shaft and is driven by an electric motor, through a speed reducing gearbox. The gear can withstand high torque loads and even in extreme cases, there is no chance of gear breaking.

The drive is mounted on a mild steel fabricated base frame. The electric motor is coupled with gearbox by flexible cast iron (love-joy) coupling. The agitator is also coupled with gearbox through a cast iron rigid coupling.

The impeller creates a flow pattern in the system, causing the liquid to circulate through the tank and return eventually to the impeller.

Agitator - Turbine Type

Agitators are machines used in industries for
a) mixing liquids together
b) promoting the reactions
c) maintaining homogeneity of liquid bulk and
d) increasing heat transfer.

agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions.

Paramount Limited manufactures & supplies all three types of Agitators (Propeller type, Turbine type and Paddle type) for thorough mixing.

Paramount Limited make agitator is suitable for thorough mixing. The agitator is provided with an impeller consisting of blades of enough area to give adequate agitation in the tank of given dimensions. The impeller is mounted on an overhung shaft. The shaft is fabricated out of the solid shaft and is driven by an electric motor, through a speed reducing gearbox. The gear can withstand high torque loads and even in extreme cases, there is no chance of gear breaking.

The drive is mounted on a mild steel fabricated base frame. The electric motor is coupled with gearbox by flexible cast iron (love-joy) coupling. The agitator is also coupled with gearbox through a cast iron rigid coupling.

The impeller creates a flow pattern in the system, causing the liquid to circulate through the tank and return eventually to the impeller.

The following types of mixers are manufactured:

Propeller Type

Paddle Type

Turbine Type

Lime Slacker Classifier

Lime slaker classifier is a commonly used equipment in chemical plant for producing milk of lime.

Paramount Limited manufactures Lime slaker classifier to take care of all the practical requirements of milk of lime plant, i.e, feeding, slaking and classifying processes to produce consistent quality milk of lime.

Lime slaker classifier is commonly used equipment in chemical plant for producing milk of lime.

The making of milk of lime is technically called as the Slaking Process. The slaking of lime is basically the hydration reaction of lime (CaO) to Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The hydration of lime is an exothermic reaction and hence generates heat. A rapid hydration would result in excessive heat generation. As hydrated lime is immiscible in water, the milk of lime is usually kept suspended in the slurry by agitation. The particle size of hydrated lime in the slurry is greatly affected by heat generated during the slaking process and the shear force on the particle by agitation. Excessive heat generation and agitation cause decripitation of the slaked lime and result in difficulties in the processes involving slaked lime. Hence, the process conditions involving the production of milk of lime have to be controlled reliably within fairly tight specifications.

Paramount Limited make Lime slaker classifier takes care all the practical requirements of milk of lime plant, i.e, feeding, slaking and classifying processes to produce consistent quality milk of lime. Feed lime (CaO) is fed to the slaking compartment by a variable screw or belt arrangement. The slaker utilises a turbine type agitator. The tank is typically made of cylindrical construction if the capacity involved is large or of square construction for smaller capacities. The solid concentration in the Milk of lime slurry is normally maintained between 10 and 20%.

The slaker is connected to the classifier tank by a liquor and a froth opening. The gritty impurities in commercial lime are separated through an internal raking mechanism ensuring that the milk of lime produced is free from suspended impurities. The accepted milk of lime overflows the classifier compartment and is transferred (usually) by gravity to a storage/ causticizing tank. Grit and unburned cores pass out of the bottom of the classifier up the inclined sloping bottom of the classifier tank by the drag mechanism and discharged over the top of the ramp.

Special features and advantages of “Paramount” make Lime Slaker Classifier:

  • Smaller Floor area: A single unit replaces conventional multi-units, occupying smaller floor area, for a given feed rate.
  • Reduced Investment: The capital investment is much lesser than that of conventional separate drum slaker and rake slaker classifier units with similar capacity.
  • Minimum retention time in the slaker for optimal and economical sizing.
  • The slaker tank is closed and provided with suitable vent arrangement. This arrangement provides safe working area as it channels out the hot vapour through the vent pipe as against the regular open top slakers.
  • Specially designed baffles are provided to deflect the slurry stream to the classifier bottom and to avoid short circuiting of grits to lime slurry stream to storage/ causticizing tanks.
  • Axial flow turbines are equipped with stabilizing fins to minimize shear of lime particles due to vortex and eddies.
  • Variable screw feeder help in optimizing the slurry concentration.

Tank Flocculator

Paramount make Conventional Tank Flocculators use slow speed paddle type mixers mounted on a steel or cement concrete tank to effectively mix flocculant with the effluent.

The flocculator speeds are designed to provide an adequate effect on settling or rising properties of the solids in effluent/ water. The inbuilt behaviour for less efficient settling or rising properties of colloidal solids with the flocculating agents is compensated by providing adequate short circuiting or back mixing in the Flocculation tank. Back mixing is taken care of by providing an adequate residence time in the flocculation tank. The residence times are normally three to five times higher than the pipe flocculators.

Static Mixer

Paramount Designs and fabricates baffle type Inline Static Mixer to achieve complete mixing of dosing chemicals with effluent/water.

The Static Mixers are fitted with piping and do not require any additional support structure.

The Static Mixer fabricated by Paramount are designed to have low pressure drop & have no moving parts.

Contact Us At


Paramount Limited, Paramount Complex, Near Natubhai Circle, Race Course, Vadodara, Gujarat - 390007

Phone Number

Vadodara: +91-0265-2397111 (7 lines)
New Delhi: +91-11-26186525, 26186369
Mumbai: +91-22-24073108, 24078105

Email Address

Vadodara: sales@paramountlimited.com
New Delhi: delhi@paramountlimited.com
Mumbai: mumbai@paramountlimited.com